Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Nice Beret

It's been a while since I've posted, but I'm going to get back in the swing. I have a lot of notes, but just haven't been able to make myself compose them into something that resembles the English language.

I work in an extremely casual office. Our dress code is top & bottom. That's it. When there are clients in the office, you are required to wear big kid pants. Other than that, it's open. Tattoos, piercings, whatever goes.

I sit on the train during rush hour wondering what kind of office people work in to wear the clothes that they have on. I see the fully decked out girls that are fashion to a tee. I secretly want to be one of them, but only if someone would make it all happen for me without me exerting any extra effort. Plus I would need a driver to transport me from door to door, so I wouldn't have to walk in those fabulous heels. But I digress.

I finally saw a "subject" that I absolutely cannot figure out what he does or where he is going at 8am. He was a larger bearish (to coin the gay term) man. On any other day, he probably wouldn't have caught my attention at all. But today....

I first noticed the neon pink finger nail polish. My daughter likes the same shade. To match it, he paired a sequined beret of the same color. The rest of the outfit biker chic. Odd on a regular Tuesday morning wouldn't you say?

Although this outfit would technically fit in our office dress code, we would be IMing all day long about wtf is he wearing since I'm not going to ask a large man to his face "Why the sequined hot pink beret today? Feeling a little disco fabulous?"

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