Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hipster or Old Lady?

It's a given fact that I'm almost legally blind. Even with contacts, details are blurry at about 25 feet. With that said, here's today siting/post.

I'm standing on the train platform and I see a woman (at least that's my assumption) in a really loud orange, yellow and brown outfit with bleached platinum hair. I realized that since I couldn't see the details of this person's face that I didn't know whether it was an older lady or a hipster. I also had an epiphany that the two groups dress very similarly.

So, I spent the rest of my train ride looking at these two groups; and I'll be damned if my hypothesis wasn't correct. Even their make-up is eerily the same with bright eye shadow, night time lipstick and too much eyeliner.

Do you think that either group knows this? Are the older ladies way cool or are the hipsters deluding themselves?

Talk among yourselves.

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